Best wishes from the N.W. Posthumus Institute staff!
This year has been an intense year for many students, researchers, teachers, support staff employees and many others involved in academia due to the worldwide effects of the COVID-pandemic. The effects also affected the Posthumus programme, forcing us to have most of the regular events in an adapted setting. The staff of the N.W. Posthumus Institute wants to express its gratitude to all involved for their efforts and wishes all of you very good and healthy Holidays and all the best for 2022.
Jessica Dijkman, Scientific Director
Rogier van Kooten, Education Programme Director
René van Weeren, Office Manager
Please note: the Secretariat of the N.W. Posthumus Institute will be closed from 22 December 2021 until 4 January 2022
Platform Digital Infrastructure SSH grants awarded to Posthumus affiliates Jan Kok and Auke Rijpma
The Platform Digital Infrastructure SSH has awarded ten grants (out of 47 applications) related to the Call Digital Infrastructure SSH. Among the grantees are Posthumus Board member Professor Jan Kok (l) for his proposed project "Diversity and dynamics. The population of Curacao 1839-1950" and Posthumus fellow Dr Auke Rijpma (r) for the proposal "HIP-NL: an Historical Income Panel for the Netherlands". The Posthumus staff congratulates both grantees with this result.
Impressions PhD Seminar I - 'My Research in a Nutshell'
On 2 and 3 December 2021, the first seminar of the Posthumus PhD Cohort 2021 was held, hosted online (due to the COVID 19-situation) by Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Sixteen PhD students, seven fellows and two PhD representatives joined the online two-day seminar with interesting presentations and fruitfull discussions. The N.W. Posthumus Staff wishes to thank all involved, especially the local organisers at VUB, Heidi Deneweth, Wouter Ryckbosch and Christophe De Coster, for making this a succesfull event and for the willingness to also host the Seminar II - 'Work in Progress' for the 2021 Posthumus PhD Cohort on 28-29 April 2022. A short impression of Seminar I can be found via the button below.
COVID19-effects on Posthumus activities
Unfortunately, the world is still confronted with the effects of the COVID-pandemic. Due to the current situation in the Netherlands, Belgium, and other countries, the COVID-pandemic and measures taken by governments and institutions may also affect activities organised by or in cooperation with the N.W. Posthumus Institute. We will keep our website updated on this, but in case of any uncertainties, contact the local organisers of the event you want to attend.
Save the date! Posthumus Conference 2022 scheduled for 30 June-1 July, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The N.W. Posthumus Institute is happy to announce its 2022 Conference, which is scheduled for 30 June-1 July 2022 and will be hosted by the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The Posthumus Conference is an annual event, which combines presentations by Posthumus PhDs in an advanced stage of the PhD programme with Research Network meetings and lectures by prominent scholars within the field of Economic and Social History. More info on the thematic setting and the program details will follow in due time, please check the website regularly.
Save the date! PhD-Seminar II scheduled for 28-29 April 2022 in Brussels
The staff of the N.W. Posthumus Institute and local organisers Dr Wouter Ryckbosch, Dr Heidi Deneweth, and Christophe De Coster MA are happy to announce the dates and location of the second PhD Seminar (‘Work in Progress’) of the Posthumus PhD Training Programme. This seminar will be held at and hosted by Vrije Universiteit Brussel on 28 and 29 April 2022.
PhDs concerned will be informed about all relevant details in due time.
Workshop 'Politics and Consumption’
On 11 and 12 February 2022, the Centre for Urban History, the Centre for Political History, and the N.W. Posthumus Institute will jointly organise the two-day workshop ‘Politics and consumption in the modern age: New research perspectives’ at the Stadscampus of the University of Antwerp. This workshop aims to reunite scholars who empirically investigate what we broadly define as ‘politics of consumption’ in core as well as peripheral European regions and the Atlantic world encompassing several time periods ranging from the early-modern era until the present day.
Workshop 'Languages of Consumption'
On 3 and 4 February 2022, the Universities of Antwerp and Basel will jointly co-host the Workshop 'Languages of Consumption in the 18th and 19th Centuries' in Basel Switzerland, aimed at fostering knowledge of the languages of consumption in this era of critical transitions. It will do so by bringing together and discussing new perspectives across a broad range of languages and regions, also welcoming contributions beyond the Atlantic World.
PhD Defence Amaury de Vicq de Cumptich (Utrecht University)
On 14 January 2022, Posthumus-alumnus Amaury de Vicq de Cupmtichs will defend his thesis 'Exploring the Dynamics of Small and Local Financial Institutions. The Case of the Netherlands, c.1860-1940' at Utrecht University. Promotor of Amaury are Professor Oscar Gelderblom and Professor Joost Jonker.
PhD Defence Teuntje Vosters (Leiden University)
On 25 January 2022, Posthumus-alumna Teuntje Vosters will defend her thesis 'NGOs and Refugees in European History: Assessing NGO influence on international refugee policy making, 1919-1979' at Leiden University. PhD supervisors of Teuntje are Professor Marlou Schrover and Dr Irial Glynn.
PhD position on 'The historical development of gender occupational segmentation and stereotyping of medical specializations, 1950-2020'
The Department of History and Art History at Utrecht University is looking for a candidate (1.0 fte) for a PhD project titled 'The historical development of gender occupational segmentation and stereotyping of medical specializations, 1950-2020. Deadline: 7 January 2022.
PhD Position 'A historical lens on family firms and gender equality in the Netherlands, 1900-2020' (Utrecht University)
The Department of History and Art History at Utrecht University is looking for a PhD candidate (1.0 FTE) for a project titled 'A historical lens on family firms and gender equality in the Netherlands, 1900-2020'. Deadline: 7 January 2022.
Vacancy Open PhD Project Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
The Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) at Erasmus University invites PhD-students to apply for the open PhD project of the Department of Business-Society Management. Deadline: 15 January 2022.
Development of Program and Seminar Series
The UU-TUe-WUR Strategic Alliance has undertaken a project to develop a research program on Deep Transitions, focusing on boosting the transition towards a sustainable and inclusive society, based on a long-term analysis of past, present and future explorations. Together with their societal partners from a range of private and public sector organisations, the organisers would like to implement this program in Spring 2022, and also to invite you to contribute to the development of the research program.
Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland II - schrijf mee!
In 2018 verscheen deel 1 van Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland, waarvan meer dan 25.000 exemplaren verkocht werden. De redactieleden van deel 2, dat naar verwachting najaar 2022 bij uitgeverij AmboAnthos zal verschijnen, roepen historici op voorstellen tot bijdragen aan dit tweede deel in te dienen. Uiterste datum voor voorstellen is 10 januari 2022.
Voordrachten Dirk Jacob Veegens Prijs KHMW
Het bestuur van de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen maakt bekend dat de Stichting Fonds voor de Geld- en Effectenhandel in het jaar 2022 de Dirk Jacob Veegens Prijs van € 12.500,- beschikbaar stelt ter bekroning van oorspronkelijk onderzoek op het gebied van de economische, politieke en/of sociale geschiedenis van Nederland. Deze prijs wordt toegekend op voordracht, voordragen van kandidaten kan tot uiterlijk 13 januari 2022.
Call for Papers Virtus: Journal of Nobility Studies
Guest editors Dr Ulrike Müller, Professor Ilja Van Damme, and Professor Gerrit Verhoeven call for contributions to a special issue of the academic journal Virtus: Journal of Nobility Studies on the theme ‘Collectioneurs Nobles: Continuity and Change in Aristocratic Collecting Practices in Belgium and the Netherlands (1750-1950)’. Abstracts (max. 350 words) with an additional short bio are due by 1 February 2022; selected papers are due by 1 October 2022. More info in full call below.
EHES Conference 2022 and Gino Luzatto Award
The European Historical Economics Society and the local Organizing Committee (Jutta Bolt, Giampaolo Lecce, and Mikołaj Malinowski) at the University of Groningen are delighted to invite you to participate in the fourteenth EHES Conference in 2022. The conference will be at the University of Groningen, 17-18 June 2022. The organisers are also pleased to announce that EHES hosts again the Gino Luzzatto Dissertation Competition for dissertations published July 2019-June 2021.
Call for Papers Otherness: Essays and Studies
The peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal Otherness: Essays and Studies is now accepting submissions for its special issue, scheduled for Autumn 2022: 'Premodern Otherness: Encounters with and Expressions of the Other in Classical Antiquity, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods'. Submissions are due by 1 February 2022. More info and full details about how to submit can be found in the full call, downloadable via the button below.
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