Newsletter Centre for Academic Teaching ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
Newsletter Centre for Academic Teaching September 2021   Read online
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Header Centre for Academic Teaching
Themes of Comenius programme 2022 announced: sign up for the online walk-in consultations
The Comenius programme is a national incentive programme for educational innovation. Are you planning to apply for a Senior fellowship (deadline for pre-application 7 September) or Teaching fellowship (deadline for pre-application 14 September) within the Comenius programme? Do you have any questions or would you like to spar about your ideas? Then come to the online walk-in consultancy hours on 2 or 9 September, both from 1 to 2 pm. Are you unable to attend? Mail to: to make an individual appointment. Click here to register for this session. You can also "drop in" directly by clicking on this MS Teams link.
Application Utrecht Education Incentive Fund: deadline 24 September 2021, 12.00 hrs.
This year, three themes have been established based on which the projects will be funded: 1) Diversity & inclusion, 2) Flexibilisation, 3) Sustainable Development Goals. Besides these themes, there is a free theme, which enables implementation and highly innovative projects. For the three themes and the free theme, teaching staff can apply as a consortium member. Teaching staff that have a specific idea and would like to become project leader, can apply with this idea as a consortium leader.
Programmatic assessment, how can I use it in my own course?
News from the teaching community TAUU
Teaching in the international classroom is more than just translating materials
New Special Interest Group: Academic Writing
Many teachers and supervisors at the UU encounter questions and challenges related to academic writing. What to do with students who do not have a basic command of the language? How can PhD students be supported to write more efficiently? There are many successful initiatives related to academic writing at the UU. In this Special Interest Group we would like to exchange knowledge and expertise obtained in these initiatives. Not only from daily practice but also from scientific literature.
SURF Education Days 2021
Typical Humanities: A symposium on research in the field of humanities education
On November 3, HERUU (Humanities Education Research Universiteit Utrecht) organises a one-day symposium on research in the field of humanities education. The debate on what is typical to humanities education and research and reflections on this topic will be core to this symposium that will be organised by HERUU, a group of scholars that share an interest in educational research in the humanities. We welcome abstracts (deadline 13 September), send it to
Certificate available for education aimed at professionals
To convey a professional image to professionals a university certificate has been developed for Continuing Education (OvP). The certificate is intended for all education aimed at professionals at Utrecht University. The certificate is available in Dutch, English and with or without a supplement. Please visit this page for more information on the certificate and how to get the template.
From the Educational Database
CAT Events
Many activities related to the coronavirus measures have been cancelled. Check the CAT agenda for events that will take place online.

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