Posthumus Conference 2025
Posthumus Conference 2025 in Nijmegen, 27-28 May 2025'The People vs Structures' - REGISTRATION NOW OPEN |
We are happy to announce registration for the Posthumus Conference 2025 website is now open! On 27 and 28 May 2025, the Posthumus Conference 2025 will be held in Nijmegen at Radboud University, hosted by Dr Dries Lyna and Dr Joris van den Tol. This year's conference will be on the central theme 'The People vs Structures': this theme allows a reflection on how legal systems, institutions, and practices have influenced social and economic conditions, as well as how people have influenced these legal regimes. The keynote lecture at the Posthumus Conference 2025 will be delivered by Professor Tamara Herzog, Monroe Gutman Professor of Latin American Affairs at Harvard University and Affiliate Professor of the Harvard Law School. |
ESTER RDC 2025 to be held in Sevilla on 3-5 November 2025 |
The N.W. Posthumus Institute, as secretariat of the European graduate School for Training in Economic and social historical Research (ESTER), is happy to announce the 2025 ESTER Research Design Course will be held on 3-5 November 2025 in Sevilla (Spain) uner the guidance of Dr Germán Jiménez Montes of the University of Seville. A call for abstracts will be launched soon, keep a close eye on the website of the N.W. Posthumus website for this. |
Posthumus Course 'Quantative Methods for Historians and Social Scientists' curently fully booked! |
In April, the course 'Quantative Methods for Historians and Social Scientists' of the N.W. Posthumus Institute will start at Utrecht University. Social and economic historians often employ statistical analyses to study patterns in their data. When combined with historical insights, these quantitative methods allow researchers to consider a wide range of explanations at the same time. To acquaint students with quantitative research, this course offers a thorough introduction of statistics, aimed at research master students interested in economic and social history. Although the final deadline for registration was set on 15 March 2025, the number of participants for this course has reached its maximum. Registrations between now and the deadline of 15 March will be placed on a waiting list in order of registration date, however first prioritising (Research) Master students over PhD students. |
Module 2 Online Lecture Series ‘An Introduction to Inequalities in Health using Historical Causes of Death’ open for registration – deadline 28 February 2025 |
Registration has opened for Module 2 of the Online Lecture Series ‘An Introduction to Inequalities in Health using Historical Causes of Death’. This online lecture series is scheduled as part of the COST Project CA22116 – The Great Leap and is organised in co-operation with the N.W. Posthumus Institute. It is targeted at students and scholars at all levels interested in exploring major issues related to health inequalities from a historical point of view. There are four modules, each module comprises several lectures. Module 2 will address sources and databases. Module 3 will address methods and analyses (expected September 2025 – June 2026). Depending on the feedback from participants, modules are repeated or new modules are added to the online lecture series. For each module it will be possible to earn 1 EC. |
FRESH workshop on Empire and Economic Development (Utrecht, 28 February 2025)
On 28 February 2025, Utrecht University will host a FRESH workshop on Empire and Economic Development. Frontier Research in Economic and Social History (FRESH) meetings are aimed at researchers in any field of economic and social history. The purpose of the meetings is to enable scholars to present their ongoing research at an early stage to an audience of interested peers. Keynote speaker of this particular meeting will be Tirthankar Roy, Professor of Economic History at the London School of Economics. Organisers of the meeting are Posthumus fellows and alumni Maanik Nath (Utrecht University) and Sandra de Pleijt (Frontier Research in Economic and Social History series organiser) in cooperation with John Tang (Utrecht University). This meeting is made possible thanks to funding made available by the European Historical Economics Society (EHES) and the N.W. Posthumus Institute. Abstracts submission closed 13 December 2024.
Call for papers Conference ‘Becoming Local? Forgotten Lineages of Displaced Communities across the Indian Ocean World, 1650-1850’ – deadline 30 March 2025 |
On 10 and 11 December 2025, the Forgotten Lineages research project featuring Posthumus fellow Dries Lyna and PhD-students Pouwel van Schooten and Sanayi Marcelline will organize the two-day conference Becoming Local? Forgotten Lineages of Displaced Communities across the Indian Ocean World, 1650-1850 in Leiden. Confirmed keynote speakers are Jennifer Gaynor (University at Buffalo SUNY) and Sue Peabody (Washington State University), with Michael Laffan (Princeton University) as one of the discussants. The conference will advocate the urgency of uncovering the genealogy of racialised social categories, what purposes they served at given times, and how displaced descent permeated the making and shaping of racialised groups. Abstracts should be submitted before 31 March 2025.
Valedictory lecture and preceding workshop Professor Herman de Jong (University of Groningen, 17 April 2025) - register before 1 April 2025 |
The University of Groningen will be hosting a special event on 17 April 2025 to celebrate the career of Professor Herman de Jong ahead of his planned retirement at the end of the current academic year. The event will involve two parts: the first will be a workshop between 11:00 and 15:00 hours with short academic presentations related to Herman’s work. The second will be a valedictory lecture by Herman himself between 15:30 and 17:00 hours. The title of his lecture (to be delivered in Dutch) is ‘Hoe is het leven? Een brede blik op welvaart’. If you are interested in attending this special event, please RSVP before April 1, by registering via de button below.
New Seminar series: Micro-Global Histories of Slavery: Sources and Approaches
Linked to the combined research team of slavery projects at the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) and Radboud University (Nijmegen), researchers of both institutions jointly organise a hybrid seminar series ‘Micro-Global Histories of Slavery: Sources and Approaches’. This seminar aims to further critical reflections of sources and approaches for the study micro-global histories of slavery. The organisers invite scholars to share insights, questions and ideas that are grounded in research practice and experiences with colonial and other or vernacular sources. Contact the organisers in case you would like to be present at a seminar, or present in it. A list of confirmed lectures is available via the button below
Jaarcongres De Moderne Tijd 2025 – registreer voor 15 maart 2025 |
~ because of scope, in Dutch only ~ Op 21 maart 2025 vindt in Amsterdam het jaarcongres 2025 van Werkgroep de Moderne Tijd plaats. In dit jaarcongres van Werkgroep de Moderne Tijd van 2025 staat de vraag centraal welke rol ‘de Toekomst’ speelde in de geschiedenis van Nederland en België, inclusief de koloniën in de periode 1780-1940. Hoe kreeg de toekomst vorm in politiek, cultuur, kunst, literatuur en wetenschap? Dagvoorzitter is Lotte Jensen, hoogleraar Nederlandse literatuur- en cultuurgeschiedenis aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen. Deelnemers kunnen zich aanmelden via e-mail uiterlijk 14 maart 2025; er is een financiële bijdrage van toepassing, voor studenten en PhD-kandidaten geldt een gereduceerd tarief.
Call for proposals 3rd Conference on Frisian Humanities (Ljouwert / Leeuwarden, 11-14 Nov. 2025) – deadline proposals 16 March 2025 |
The Fryske Akademy, the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, the Professorship Multilingualism and Literacy of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, the department of Frisian Studies of the University of Groningen, and the department Language, Technology and Culture of UG/Campus Fryslân have announced the Third Conference on Frisian Humanities. This year’s theme will be ‘Bridges and Boundaries: Fryslân in a Global Context’. Plenary speakers will be (all confirmed) Professor Alderik Blom (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Professor Marguérite Corporaal (Radboud University), Professor Peter Gilles (Université du Luxembourg), and Dr Caterina Sugranyes, Universitat Ramón Llull, Barcelona (Spain). The Scientific Committee is open to proposals for individual papers and posters, but also for colloquia, either workshops or sessions, comprising of three to four papers. Proposals should be submitted ultimately 16 March 2025.
Symposium ‘Archeologie en de stad’ – registreer uiterlijk 28 maart 2025 |
~ because of scope, in Dutch only ~ Op vrijdag 4 april 2025 organiseert de werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis een bijeenkomst bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE, Smallepad 5, Amersfoort) onder de titel ‘Archeologie en de stad’. De studiedag is gratis voor een ieder toegankelijk, aanmelden via mail is noodzakelijk uiterlijk 28 maart 2025.
Call for Papers – Conference ‘How did we lift the burden? Infectious Disease Mortality in the Western and Non-Western World (1800-now)’ – deadline 31 March 2025 |
On 28 and 29 August 2025, the COST-Action network GREATLEAP, in collaboration with the Radboud University Nijmegen, the HiDo network, and the IUSSP Panel ‘Epidemics and Contagious Diseases: The Legacy of the Past’. The conference serves as a closing event of the NWO-funded research project ‘Lifting the burden of disease. The modernisation of health in the Netherlands: Amsterdam, 1854-1926’. The organisers would like to encourage paper authors to contribute to the debate in this international conference. Welcome are all sorts of contributions, theoretical, empirical and methodological. Papers from areas and regions of Europe and the world that not belong to the so-called frontrunners in mortality decline in the north-western part of Europe are particularly welcome. Abstracts should be submitted ultimately 31 March 2025.
Call for abstract and panel proposals - 10th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Rotterdam, 3-5 Nov. and Utrecht, 5-7 Nov. 2025) - deadline 6 April 2025
The EMES International Research Network, in partnership with the Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University and Utrecht University announces the 10th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise on the theme 'Scaling Through Communities: The Role of Social Entrepreneurs and Social Enterprises in Boosting Societal Transitions' to be held in two different cities: Rotterdam (3-5 November 2025) and Utrecht (5-7 November 2025). The conference seeks to explore the strategies, innovations, partnerships and contexts that enable Social Entrepreneurs and Social Enterprises to drive systemic change while scaling its impact across diverse contexts, rooted in the historical resilience seen in institutions for collective action, spanning a millennium and highlighting the potential of community self-governance as both a scalable and sustainable model. Abstract and panel proposals should be submitted ultimately 6 April 2025.
PhD Defence Posthumus alumna Ramona Negrón (Leiden University, 19 March 2025) |
On 19 March 2025, Posthumus alumna Ramona Negrón will defend the PhD thesis ‘Dutch Entrepreneurship in the Spanish Americas, 1580-1700’ at Leiden University. Supervisors are Professor Cátia Antunes (Leiden University) and Dr Susana Münch Miranda (Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Ramona’s dissertation shows that Dutch entrepreneurs played a crucial role in the Spanish Americas from 1580 to 1700. In an era of dramatic geopolitical shifts, Dutch merchants turned Amsterdam into a center of world trade. They broke through barriers designed to keep them out of Spanish colonial markets by using clever tactics like innovative financing, strategic partnerships, and flexible shipping methods. Ramona's research challenges traditional, empire-centered interpretations of trade by revealing that early modern trade thrived on dynamic, interconnected networks that transcended rigid imperial boundaries. The N.W. Posthumus Institute staff wishes Ramona a successful defence!
Other future PhD Defences Posthumus alumni |
7 May 2025 - Tessa de Boer (Leiden University) on the PhD thesis ‘A Truth Universally Acknowledged. Dutch Investment in French Colonial Resources in the Eighteenth Century’. Supervisors: Professor Cátia Antunes (Leiden University) and Dr Elisabeth Heijmans (University of Antwerp).
23 June 2025 - Robin Rose Southard (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) on the PhD thesis 'Biting the hand that feeds: contesting the food guilds in 18th-century Brussels’. Supervisor: Professor Wouter Ryckbosch (Vrije Universiteit Brussel).
Congratulations to our PhD alumni recently promoted! |
Dr Stan Pannier (KU Leuven) on the thesis 'Enterprising Merchants in the Global Atlantic – Frederic Romberg and the Austrian Netherlands Trade with West and Central Africa, 1775-1795'. Supervisors: Professor Maïka De Keyzer (KU Leuven) and Dr Torsten Feys (Flanders Maritime Institute (VLIZ)) (12 February).
Dr Jasper Segerink (University of Antwerp) on the thesis 'The Lodging House and the City. Accommodating Migrants in Urban Space, Antwerp, 1850-1914'. Supervisors: Professors Hilde Greefs and Greet De Block (both University of Antwerp) (14 February). |
Already following us on Mastodon? |
As of 1 March 2024, the N.W. Posthumus Institute has started using Mastodon as social medium, following the decision to stop using X, formerly known as Twitter, actively for new announcements, as a result of the current developments surrounding the X platform. Do sign up with Mastodon and follow our account to keep updated frequently with new items and developments. Join us on Mastodon!
Image credits: Gezicht op Nijmegen vanuit het noorden [View on Nijmegen from the North], picture by Jan Ruyter (I), created 1738. Collection Rijksmuseum object RP-P-AO-4-28-1. Public Domain. |
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